I signed up not knowing anything, and within a few weeks I started getting not 1, not 2... but 5 CHECKS each month



Unveiling 7 Secret Strategies to Propel Your Business Forward



Dear Esteemed Subscriber


I hope this message finds you well and thriving in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Today, I want to share with you 7 secret strategies that have the potential to transform your business and propel you towards unparalleled success. But before we dive into these strategies, allow me to share a short story with you.



Years ago, I found myself at a crossroads in my entrepreneurial journey. I had dreams of building a successful online business, but I was unsure of where to begin. That's when I stumbled upon a platform that changed everything – Profitin3Steps.


With the guidance and support of this platform, I embarked on a journey of discovery, learning, and growth. Today, I'm humbled to say that I've been able to turn my dreams into reality, and Profitin3Steps has played a pivotal role in my success.


But enough about me – let's talk about you and the incredible opportunities that lie ahead.



As a subscriber to my newsletter, you already have a wealth of knowledge and resources at your fingertips. Now, it's time to take your business to the next level with these 7 secret strategies


Unleash the Untapped Power of Social Media

Master the Art of Storytelling

Harness the Force of SEO

Rediscover the Potency of Email Marketing

Embrace Influencer Marketing

Ignite Engagement

Harness the Force of Viral Marketing


Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your business and achieve unprecedented success? Click here to discover these 7 secret strategies and take your business to new heights.

And remember, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Together, let's make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality.


Warm regards,


Dave Stapleton


"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." – Albert Schweitzer


"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." – Franklin D. Roosevelt


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." – Lao Tzo


Mike Filsaime"The Plug-In Profit Site IS Duplicatable, IS Easy to follow (even for normal people & beginners), IS Easy on the pocket book AND IT WORKS!!! In all my years online, I've seen lots of 'programs' come and go. And I watched this one stand the test of time. And yes, I am one of Stone Evans' happy customers. I hope you become one too."

Mike Filsaime


Saba Tekle"I think I am in LOVE. I love Plug-In Profit Site. It is so easy and has so much value, it's crazy that Stone gives it away FREE. Most importantly, you can feel his true desire to help make this internet marketing easy and effortless through his messages and training. I am glad that I didn't overlook his site and feel a big sense of relief!"

Saba Tekle


Once you click that button, you'll be able sign up for the 5 programs I talked about earlier...

And after that, it all begins.

Stone will start building your website for you...

And within 24 hours or less you'll receive your complete money-making website setup FOR YOU.

Also, not that you'll need these to start making money right away, but there are a few extra things (let's call them bonuses) that I've seen help our members grow their profits exponentially. I'll also be giving you these things free when you sign up today...

30 Days to Success Training GuideFirst, I'm going to hand you my proven
"30 Days to Success" step-by-step action guide that shows you the exact steps and strategies myself and and our other top earning members use to pull in automatic profits online 24/7/365. These are the same simple and reliable methods I've used to become an internet millionaire, and keep using to this day to grow my online income! Best of all, most of them are "set and forget" strategies that you can setup once and they continue working for you for years to come!

And don't worry if you have zero money to advertise or don't know a thing about online marketing... I've got you covered. Many of the best techniques in this guide are free or very low cost and work like magic!

I'll give you my 100% FREE website traffic generating system that drives an ARMY of cash-in hand prospects to your site automatically so you can profit online without spending a dime. :)

This one takes about 15 minutes to setup. Then it can make sales for you on autopilot for years. It's one of the easy, automatic ways I grow my own online income every month, and now it can be yours too!

I'll be giving you access to a mailing list of 3,000 real human subscribers that you can contact immediately to promote any product or program you want!

In all honesty, I don't make sales every time I send an offer to this growing list, but I send out a new offer every few days (takes me about 2 minutes) and it's another easy, and effective way that I boost my income every month. Now you'll have the same opportunity to promote any product you want to 3,000 hot prospects and make more money!


With Plug-In Profit Site, your success will not be left to chance! I've recorded 31 very detailed training videos for you that will empower you to take full control of your website and online business.

These videos will show you EXACTLY and step-by-step how you can easily customize your website and develop the online business of your dreams. Want to add new pages and posts to your website? Easy! Would you like to add products and programs to your site? You're just a few clicks away!

Install from a huge and growing library of thousands of FREE website add-ons and software solutions that can turn your website into a well-oiled, traffic-generating, money-making machine! Just watch the training video titled: "How to Install Plugins" and you'll be on your way!

The sky is the limit with your website and my Newbie Training Videos will help you unleash the full potential of your imagination and income!


Getting your website listed in Google is the first step to getting free traffic and visitors daily. The fastest way to accomplish this is to get backlinks pointing from other top websites online back to your new money-making website!

As soon as you become a Plug-In Profit Site member, I'll show you the 100% free tool I use to get over 50 quality backlinks pointing to your website within 10 minutes by pushing a button! This will jump-start your search engine rankings and get you on the fast track to profit.

This takes less than 5 minutes, but it can pay lifetime dividends for you.



I'll give you my step-by-step system that takes less than 10 minutes to setup... and instantly starts sending interested visitors to your new website - for FREE.

I've tested hundreds of tools and services that promise to get real buyers to my site for free, and this is one of the few that actually works. If I were in your shoes, I'd sign up for the Plug-In Profit Site service today if only to find out what this is, so you can use it to advertise anything you want and make more money.


With the Plug-In Profit Site system, you are never alone! I pride myself on the support provided to our members and the number of people this system has helped to succeed and make big money online.

Every single day (except for Sunday), I turn on Live Chat and am available to you inside the Plug-In Profit Site members area to answer questions in person, and help you reach your goals faster and easier.

You can also send me a text for support anytime at: 1-214-762-2329

You won't find this level of support anywhere else online from someone who has made millions of dollars in this industry. My goal is your success and you won't pay a dime for access to my one-on-one personalized guidance and support for you and your online business!

I'll give you FREE branding rights to my ebook "Dotcomology"... this book will promote YOUR affiliate links for the 5 money-making programs in the Plug-In Profit Site system, so just give it away and watch as the checks start coming in!

When you become a Plug-In Profit Site member today, I'll give you access my million dollar rolodex with hundreds of places you can send out emails to immediately and start making money fast!

This is an advanced tactic and requires a little money to use, but when you get to the point where you can invest a few hundred dollars into advertising, this resource by itself can grow your online income exponentially overnight.

I refuse to share this with anyone who is not a close partner of mine because it is truly a secret weapon, but as a Plug-In Profit Site member my commitment is to help you achieve the same or better level of success as I have in this business, and this rolodex can be used by serious marketers to build a six or seven figure business in this industry.


Plug-In Profit Site Affiliate ProgramI think this one is the MOST important...

I'll give YOU the ability to give away Plug-In Profit Sites for FREE!!!

And when anyone you give one of these websites away to signs up... I'll put them under YOU in these 5 money-making programs!

Doesn't that sound cool?! Trust me, IT IS!

In fact, this single tool can help you start earning a FULL-TIME income just by giving away these websites.


So, right now you’ll do one of two things.

You either trust your gut and say yes...

or you’ll hesitate, do nothing and miss this limited opportunity.

I believe that within a few short months from now, a year from now, and for the rest of your life, you’ll look back on this moment as the instant in which your life changed forever...

... but only if you decide to start RIGHT NOW.

Sign up for the Plug-In Profit Site today for FREE while you still can..

Get your Free website NOW!

Marc Guttenberg"After spending over 6 month trying to get my website and autoresponder up and running with another company, with no support and very high monthly fees and without ever experiencing not even ONE click, I thought I would never be able to start any form of affiliate marketing ever.

I even tried to recruit the help of professional programmers and web site gurus privately, only to realize that their technical knowledge was only a very small part of the support required to get things rolling.

Only days after closing down my account and getting my domain unceremoniously dumped I stumbled on Plug-In Profit Site by chance (as you do), and what I read pricked my curiosity. Mr Stone tells me that he will provide me with the tools to become an associate marketer from day one. I couldn't believe that what I couldn't do in 6 month of struggle through dozens upon dozens of videos and hundred upon hundred of dollars A MONTH he would do for me ...for free ... in 24 hours !!!!!!! Wow!

Well, here I am, reading (thank God not watching a video) the training material, that is practical and very easy to understand full of links that even I can follow and where all seems to work. I have already stuffed up my email forwarder by changing my email address yet help was at the ready, (thank you Pat at the Plug-In Profit Site Help Desk).

All in all, if I don't make money with Pug-In Profit Site is because I don't want to. I don't think there is a better organization and better tools on the internet today than Plug-In Profit Site. That is why I am here giving you a PLUG."

Marc Guttenberg

You can let fear and self-doubt hold you back, or believe in yourself and start a profitable business TODAY!

Get your Free website NOW!